Saturday, February 4, 2012

Groundhogs Day....

Jan. 2nd was Groundhogs day. Most people wont even think twice about it. Personally I could care less if the animal sees his shadow or not. To me it was the day I celebrated Imbolc A.k.a Candlemass and Brigids Day. Imbolc is a cross quarter day midway between winter solstice and spring equinox.

 I like to celebrate the coming of spring and the Goddess in her Maiden form who brings new life to the planet as bulbs begin to shoot up and the earth becomes slowly warmer. Nature awakens from winters darkness and the days begin to get warmer with the promise of spring.

Some Imbolc Traditions as i know them are:

spring cleaning
Removing things from your life you don't want to carry with you for the coming year.

making of a Brighid's cross

Divination for the coming year

Lighting candles and keeping them burning till dawn 

Honoring the Goddess Brigid the Celtic Goddess of fire, Hearth and Forge, Poetry,Healing 

There are many books out there dedicated to the holiday want to learn more.

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